Terms of Use & Cookies Notice


These Website Terms set out how You (the User) can use this Site.

Please read them carefully.

The Lucy Legal Privacy Policy is set out in a separate page and confirms how we use data relating to You and it forms part of these Terms of Use. You can find that here.

Our terms relating to the products we sell are set out here.


These Terms and Conditions describe the terms on which you are permitted to use the Lucy Legal Site.

Specific terms apply to purchases made via this Site which can be found below.

These terms may change from time and the terms in force will be displayed on this page.



Lucy Legal is the trading name for Lucy Legal Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 12558128. The registered office is:

Mountbatten Way
CW12 1DY

You can contact Us in writing via [email protected]



By visiting lucylegal.co.uk you are consenting to Our terms and conditions as set out below.  Should You not wish to accept the terms and conditions of this site in full You should cease using this site immediately.

This website, lucylegal.co.uk will be referred to as the “Site”.  All visitors to the Site will be referred to as “User” “You” or “Your”. As a User, You will be bound by these Terms of Use which may also be referred to from time to time as Terms and Conditions. The terms “We” “Us” and “Our” refer to Lucy Legal Limited, owner of lucylegal.co.uk Accessing and using the Site constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use.

By using this Site you agree to the Terms and Conditions without modification. We reserve the right to amend the Terms of Use of this Site and on doing so we will update these Terms and Conditions.

Please be aware, all information on this Site is intended to be legal information only. We do not provide legal advice nor does the use of this website by You constitute a solicitor client relationship with Us.

This Site is intended for use by persons who are a minimum of 18 years old. You may use this Site for legal purposes only. You must not copy, share or disseminate the information on this Site which is subject to copyright for which all rights are reserved.

This Site is directed to people residing in the United Kingdom. We do not represent that the content will be available or appropriate in other locations. This Site is written in English and We do not take responsibility for any translations which are applied to this Site.

In using this Site You may encounter comments and/or content supplied by other users. The information contained within user comments is not verified or approved by Us. The views expressed by other users on the Site do not represent Our views or values.



The content on this Site, and the associated social media channels (via @Lucy_legal) and email marketing, will include information on business and legal issues. All content is intended for informational purposes only. None of the content in emails, blog posts or social media posts should be construed as legal advice. If you require legal advice you should instruct a solicitor or legal attorney in the relevant jurisdiction. For the avoidance of doubt, purchasing template documents does not constitute a legal contract or terms of engagement between You and Us.



This Site is available free of charge.

We do not guarantee the availability of any Site or content. We reserve all rights to withdraw, suspend or restrict the content at any time for any reasons. Where possible, We will give You reasonable notice if the Site is to be suspended.

We do not guarantee that this Site will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.

You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access Our Site. You should use Your own virus protection software.



This Site has it’s own Privacy Policy, last updated August 2024. The Privacy Policy can be found here.



This Site uses cookies; small files of letter and numbers that are automatically placed on your machine – if you agree - to help our Site provide a better user experience.

We use them to:

  • Deliver marketing and advertising which we think you may be interested in
  • Remember information about you so that you don’t have to input it over, and over and over!!
  • And to personalise your use of our website, by remembering your preference and settings
  • Keep you signed in on your different devices
  • Help us to provide a better service


Our Cookies Notice

Our site enables script (e.g. cookies) that is able to read, store and write information on your browser and in your device. Cookies do not typically include identifying personal information but cookies may also be linked to personal identifiers which are stored about you, such as your IP address, session details and browsing activity.

We use cookies for a number of functions including to retain your user preferences, store information from elements of our Site such as shopping carts, and to provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications such as Google Analytics. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies. We also use the information to deliver content, maintain security, enable user choice and to improve our site. You can reject all non-essential processing by choosing to accept only necessary cookies.  

In general, cookies should make your browsing experience better. You may prefer to disable cookies which you can do by disabling cookies in your browser. We suggest following the steps via the ‘Help’ tool of your browser. Please note that if you change your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access some or all of our Site.

Except for essential cookies, all cookies expire within a reasonable period of time.

Types of cookies which may be used:

Session cookies - These cookies only last as long as your online session and they disappear once you close your browser.

Persistent cookies - These cookies stay on your device after your browser has been closed and remain for a specific period of time. These types of cookies help us to remember your preferences for next time and they may also track your activity. For example, if you join our website via an affiliate link, cookies will track your activity if you return at a later date and make a purchase.

Strictly necessary cookies - These cookies let you into our website. Without them we can’t deliver our website to you. There is certain information that our website has to collect in order to perform. An example would be the use of your login information, without it you cannot gain entry to password protected content.

Functional cookies - These cookies help us to personalise your experience on our site by remembering your preferences and settings. An example of this may be that our site may remember if you’ve visited before so that you don’t get a pop-up if you’re not a new visitor.

Performance cookies - These cookies help us to ensure that our website is working properly and allows us to fix any errors.

Advertising cookies – We may use advertising cookies to track your activity and then send you targeted advertising.



This Site contains intellectual property owned by Lucy Legal Limited. No permission is given to directly reprint or republish the Site content in part or in full without acknowledgement.

Content means any text, graphics, audio and video and also extends to the page layouts of this Site and any social media channels and emails.

Should you wish to utilise the content on this Site please contact [email protected] and up “Copyright Request” in the subject field to make your request. You must receive written permission to repurpose, copy and/or modify any content on this Site, or Content which is shared to you via email or on social media.



Notwithstanding any of these terms, We do not intend to exclude or limit Our liability to You where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence or the negligence of Our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

We have no liability to You for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity. To the maximum extent permissible at law, our aggregate liability to you in connection with these terms howsoever arising in contract, negligence or otherwise, is limited to ÂŁ250.

If defective digital content that We have supplied damages a device or digital content belonging to You and this is caused by Our failure to use reasonable care and skill, We will either repair the damage or pay You compensation.



Should you decide to make a purchase from this Site then You will enter into a contract with Us.  If You make a purchase then You will be sent a direct download so there are no refunds. Should You have any questions about Your purchase we will be happy to assist.



The content on Our Site is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to legal or business advice on which You should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from taking, any action on the basis of the content on Our Site.

Although reasonable efforts are made to update the information on this Site, We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on Our Site is accurate, complete or up to date.

The content on this Site does not constitute legal advice. Should You require legal advice You should instruct a solicitor or attorney in your jurisdiction and relevant state.

This Site may contain links to other sites. These sites are not under Our control and We cannot be responsible for any actions or events arising from You following any links from this Site. Links are provided for informational purposes only and should note be interpreted as approval or endorsement by Us.

This website and/or our associated social media channels may contain content created by AI or other automated technologies, or with assistance from AI or other automated technologies. Where possible we try to include a disclaimer alongside the relevant content, such as an image, to provide an extra warning, but it is not always possible to do so. All AI generated content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for any specific purpose without verification of its accuracy or completeness.



Lucy Legal Limited exclude any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage which may arise as a result or in connection with this website or the products or services provided by it. By making a purchase or using this website you agree to this limitation of liability and release Lucy Legal Limited from any and all claims.



You accept and understand that no guarantees are made through use of this website or its products.



These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales. The Courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction for any matter and proceedings arising out of the use of this Site.

It is intended that all disputes can be resolved with good faith between the parties. Should it not be possible to resolve a dispute then the dispute shall be referred to mediation.



Whilst using this Site you may provide personal information about yourself including Your name and email address. When providing these details, You agree to provide accurate and up to date information.

Should you engage in direct correspondence with Us, via telephone, email or social media. All detail provided is business or legal information only and does not constitute legal advice. 

For the avoidance of doubt these website terms stand as information only, there is no intention to create a contract.