The Get Legit Hub 

The must have membership for

successful entrepreneurs

Providing you with security and peace of mind


I want to join you

Does the legal side of running your business make you feel stuck?


You want your business to be legally protected but you're not sure what you need to get started, or how to protect your business as you grow?


If so, you're in the right place.


The Get Legit Hub offers support from a lawyer with weekly Q&As and monthly contract co-working.


Join to make the legal side of running your business quicker, easier and a lot less lonely.



Hi, I'm Lucy

I've worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs across all different stages of business; from those who are starting a side-hustle and thinking of leaving their 9 to 5, up to those who are creating businesses which operate and run like clockwork, providing the freedom they desire. 

Because that's why you're here right?

You want to know that you're doing the right thing by your clients, but you also want security. You don't want to lose it all.

I know how hard it is to set up your own business and put everything on the line.

All of the late nights, the sacrifices and the commitment. It's all for nothing if you don't protect what you're creating.

That's why I created The Get Legit Hub especially for passionate entrepreneurs who want to make life and running a business simpler. 

Whereas other elements of business are a nice to have - professional photographs, a super sleek website - having all of the legal elements in place is a legal requirement (as obvious as that may sound). 

You have no choice as to whether or not you do it, but you do have a choice about how simple and easy you make it.

I'd love for you to join the membership so that I can support you and your business. 

Lucy x

Click to get the key details

Don't just take our word for it ...


đź’–"The membership has helped me navigate new areas of law including online sales, refund requests etc.""


💖"Drop in contract has been very useful and asking questions. These questions arise out of the blue so having a place to go to get them answered is so valuable to me and reassuring." 


💖 Well I’m just starting with it but I already feel more protected being a part of it than I felt before it. Safety feeling it is that I’m talking about!" [sic]


💖"I feel much more confident legally.  I've managed to get all the basic legal requirements in place and most importantly I know that I always have the resource there if I need it and that brings me huge peace of mind."

Take a look at what's included in the

Get Legit Hub below:

Get access to legal support when you need it most:

  • Weekly Q&As
  • Contract clinics
  • Go from Lost to Legit with our Get Legit roadmap 
  • CEO Sessions
  • Support with what legal protection you need for your business
  • A 20% off discount code to use across the site


It's our belief that legal protection for your business should be affordable.

We don't add in templates to the membership because we don't want you to buy documents that you don't need. Instead as a member you'll get a minimum of 20% off all templates, the percentage is increased at various times throughout the year when we are running other promotions to ensure that you're always getting the best deal. 


Weekly Q&As

Get support from someone you trust on a regular basis - You'll have the chance to speak to a lawyer weekly and ask your questions. You can get support with whatever you need whether it's how to handle a refund request or where to start with a contract.

Contract Clinics

Bring your contracts and terms to the contract clinics and you can review and update them to better protect your business.

Get protected with the Roadmap 

It can be hard to know what you need to have in place to protect your business. Use the roadmap and take it step by step to get confidence and security. 

CEO Sessions

We'll support you to set and achieve your business goals with our strategic planning and review sessions. Get clear on your revenue goals and how you're going to make them a reality. 

The Legit Directory 

Once you've been a member for six months, taken the time to work through the roadmap, and put all of the legal elements in place within your business, you'll be invited to take an assessment. Once you've passed, you'll be added to The Legit Directory as a trusted professional. 

I want to join you

Why Should You Join Us?

Hear why our current members joined*

  • There are always things legally that pop up, questions etc and I trust Lucy and this was a super accessible way of working with her. I trust her ethical approach.
  • It is the best purchase I’ve made!
  • Access to templates of the legal docs, access to a real lawyer, Lucy’s warmth
  • I signed up to get support on hand when I need it
  • I wanted to know I had access to legal help and support when I needed it. 
  • I joined to know that there was always someone I could go to if I had any queries related to anything legal
  • The live Q&As are great as you can get your specific answers covered.  I don't attend all the time but will attend when I have a specific question.  I love that they are recorded too so that you can catch up if you can't make the call.  I love all the other stuff too and have made use of the access to a lawyer, the template discount code and the legal resource library. 
  • I attended a CEO session which I found really clarifying and helped me bring in money into my business and launch a product I had been sitting on for 2 years

* We obtained feedback from our members in April 2024, the above comments are sections of the feedback received.



Join The Get Legit Hub

ÂŁ55 per month subscription

💖Pay monthly, cancel any time. 

👉Join today and get instant access to legal resources and training, a fantastic community and a 20% template discount code.  

Join Now



đź’–What stage of business do I need to be at to join?

Any stage. There are people in the membership who are just starting out and others who have been in business a while. Legal issues come up at all stages. 


đź’–When and where are the sessions?

There are weekly Q&A sessions every Monday which take place on Zoom. There are also two contract clinics a month and roadmap sessions too.


💖 Does the membership come with legal documents?

No. Unlike other memberships where you end up paying a much higher price for documents you don't need, we don't add in templates. Instead you get a 20% discount code to use off any templates, including bundles and including payment plans so that you can get the documents you do need at an affordable price.


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