Welcome to

The Employment Suite

The documents in The Employment Suite have been designed to meet the needs of any business wishing to grow their team by hiring employees directly. 

 Whether you are hiring employees on a full time, part time, fixed term or zero hours basis, we offer comprehensive contracts of employment to cover each arrangement, as well as a number of vital HR policies which every employer should have documented to protect your business against potential legal action.


The contracts have been drafted carefully with the support of an HR professional to ensure full compliance with current UK employment law, and contractual protection for employers, written in accessible language and a straightforward format. 


Suitable for almost any business and industry, these contracts and policies will give you the confidence to invest in talent to join your team and expand your business.



Employment Bundles

These document bundles have been designed to offer you excellent value for money with each bundle representing a significant saving compared to buying the documents separately. All of the documents in these bundles represent the best practice approach to HR management and comprehensive protection under current employment law, giving you peace of mind that your business is protected as you expand your team and take on employees.


Luxe Employment Bundle


Employment Starter Bundle


Employment Policy Bundle


Employment Contracts

Having a solid contract of employment is one of the most fundamental aspects of protection for your business when employing people. 

As well as being a legal requirement, the contract of employment sets out the terms and conditions of employment, what the employee is entitled to, what the employer expects in return and the rules that govern the employment relationship.

A weak contract can leave you vulnerable and exposed to tricky employees, but a strong contract minimises your risk and puts you in control of your employee relations. All of our contracts are comprehensive and detailed, seeking to provide the right balance between fairness to both parties and contractual protection for the employer.

Director Employment Contract


Full Time Employment Contract


Fixed Term Employment Contract


Part Time Employment Contract


Zero Hours Employment Contract


Employment Policies

Did you know it is a legal requirement to have certain HR policies documented and available to employees from day one of employment in the UK?

All companies are required by law to have a Disciplinary Policy and a Grievance Policy, and if you employ 5 or more people a Health and Safety Policy. And with the introduction of GDPR in May 2018, all employers must also have a Privacy Policy for Employee Data to meet compliance with the Information Commissioner's Office. An Equal Opportunities Policy can minimise the risk of a discrimination claim against you as an employer, as well as enshrining an inclusive and ethical approach to running your business as an employer.

All of our policies are designed to be easy to read and practical whilst still representing best practice HR management and compliance with current UK employment law. Individual policies are available below, but check out the bundle offers above for great value.

Disciplinary Policy


Grievance Policy


Health and Safety Policy


Privacy Policy for Employee Data


Family Friendly Policy


Equal Opportunities Policy


Do you need bespoke HR Consultancy services?

If none of the products available above are exactly what you're looking for and you want a bespoke contract or policy, or you are in need of direct HR Consultancy services, then contact our HR Partner, Pondcroft Consulting. They will be able to advise on any HR matter you might have and provide professional consultancy services to find the right solution for your HR needs.