Be a part of something special in 2024

Dec 29, 2023

Since 2016 I've sent emails on Fridays.

It's honestly my favourite thing.

It's the time of the week I share my big hopes, dreams, mistakes, things that went wrong and the real behind the scenes. They've always been so well received and today I thought I'd share what I share in those emails in a blog too. 


[If you'd like to make sure you get those Friday emails, zoom to the bottom of this blog and pop your details in.]


Over the years, some weeks I'd struggle to find motivational words, but I kept showing up on Fridays to share the good and the bad, the wins and the misses.

Not every week - I'm human and I always write the Friday email (and most of the emails) myself - but most weeks I've been right here writing you an email. 


I've learnt a lot in that time. I've learnt ...



I've learnt that consistency is King.

I've learnt that things don't have to be perfect .. but they do need to be really good. I'm not in the camp of sell before you create, but I am in the camp of perfect as you grow. You've got to get your idea out there if you want people to buy it and it won't get really good until you get people to try it and get their feedback so that you can improve. It's a catch 22 and an awful experience if you're a perfectionist, but you've got to trust me, your business won't be a success if you never share your brilliant ideas. 


This year I've had hundreds of ideas that I haven't done anything with. The other day I almost bought another business. A waffle shop! Seriously! But there's nothing like having a life outside your business to get you really focused and so I thought about what I'm trying to do, what is my mission, and right now it's not to sell yummy desserts. 


Supporting other people to bring their dream to life brings me so much happiness. The legal stuff is so important (and - spoiler alert - it's going to be even more important in 2024 as consumers demand higher standards). But legal is also about giving you the confidence to show up. To give you the comfort and the security in knowing that you're sorted and protected and that you won't get sued and you can go out and share your dream with the world. When I do that for you and you share your magic with the world, it creates a ripple effect and it's about to get even bigger. 


Next year, I'm changing things because I want to work with you more closely. Our templates are brilliant but they are just part of the puzzle. You need to know you've personalised them properly. You need to know what you might be missing and you need my expertise in your business. You need me right by your side with my eyes on your business as part of an incredible live experience. 


There's one thing I'm not changing though. Our commitment to delivering affordable legal support. 


I'm about to host the biggest most exciting live experience yet, Get Legit Live. And I want you to be a part of it. It's four in depth sessions with me, walking you through all of the legal stuff you need to have in place for your business. Right now you can be part of this experience for £119. (It's really, really well priced). From tomorrow the price is increasing to £297. And then, in a week from now, the option to join without investing in templates also disappears. What I'm trying to say is that when you join today you can do so at the lowest price point. 


Imagine ... not having to worry about whether you've set your payment plan up right, or if your refund terms are drafted properly, imagine feeling confident that you've got IP clauses in place, and trade marks and privacy policies. We're going through all of this and more in the sessions which will be recorded if you can't make it live. 


I also wanted to share something with transparency on the numbers, which I rarely ever do. We are about to hit an unbelieveable money milestone. If just two people purchase the masterclass bundle before the end of the year we'll hit it. And, in all honesty, when I started out running my business our revenue was the only really important KPI. However, not long in I realised I wasn't tracking all of the relevant numbers. Now, I'm more concerned with how many people we can support so that we can get some dreams into plans and make those plans a reality. The support of the Lucy Legal community this year has meant that this month we gifted £1,500 to small business owners to give their businesses a boost. The money matters because it allows usto keep paying it forward.


I really hope you grab the masterclass bundle but I also really hope that we completely sell out of tickets for this live experience because I know it's going to significantly improve your business. It will give you a huge boost in motivation and in confidence. We only run this once a year and this coming event is bigger and better than ever before. 


Next year business will be much more about working together and doing things together, which is why I've created an amazing live experience so that I will be right by your side supporting you. I cannot wait to work with you in 2024!!

Get more details and secure your place here.   


Sending you by very best wishes for the rest of 2023 and for an incredible start to 2024.

Lucy x


P.S. If you skipped to the bottom, we've got an amazing live experience for you to be a part of which will make the legal things SO MUCH quicker, simpler and easier for you and your business. It's not just a great way to get good legal but a great way to network and be part of a live experience. You can get more information here!

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