How to onboard your clients like a pro!
Aug 23, 2022
This blog post was first published on 7 May 2021
There comes a time in every business owner's life when they realise they just can't go it alone anymore. Towards the end of 2020, after only four months of working full time in the business I knew that the time had come to get support. One key area I wanted to focus on for the business was the client experience and processes. I want Lucy Legal customers not to simply buy a legal template but to feel empowered that they are taking their business forward and protecting what they are creating.
As entrepreneurs we put so much time and energy into what we create but we don't always focus on the execution and ensuring that the delivery of that service provides the best experience to our clients. This is where Kate comes in. Kate joined the Lucy Legal team at the beginning of 2021 as Online Business Manager, and has been working magic behind the scenes ever since. Kate has kindly shared her formula for creating an incredible client experience.
You’ve bought your contract- so what next?
Getting the legal side of your business in order is crucial. The last thing you want is for your business to be left exposed.
Protecting your business by having the correct documents in place is a fundamental milestone- so if you have your contract in hand and you're ready to land those clients- well done!
But when do you send it to your client?
Before or after the invoice?
What’s the best process to follow to ensure a smooth client onboarding experience?
Where do you go from here?
Let’s look at the process in more detail.
What is onboarding?
Onboarding is the process of taking your client from a lead or prospect, through to actually working with you- signed up, paid and ready to start. It includes sending the contract, taking payment and anything else that you need within your business to be able to begin the work that you’ve agreed to complete.
How do I onboard a new client?
My clients often come to me because they want to improve their onboarding process, so what’s the best way to do that?
Every business is different and your process is personal to your business needs, but there will be certain parts that everybody will need to cover.
For example, you may request that a questionnaire is filled in or a certain form is completed before you start work, whereas a similar business may skip that completely.
Ultimately, the best way to create a smooth onboarding experience is to sit down with a pen and paper and write down how your clients move through your current process, starting with how they find you.
Note down all those client entry points.
Look at how easy you’re making it for your clients to work with you.
Remove all those roadblocks where leads may be dropping off.
A great example of this and an easy swap is to remove contact forms from your website, or a contact me button that pops open a new email.
This is now a dated way to have clients request to book a call and you’re making the client do all the work. They have to explain themselves in an email and wait to find out your availability for a call.
An easy swap is to use an integrated booking calendar (Calendly or Acuity are good examples) where you have already input your Discovery Call slots. Your new leads can simply and instantly book a time that suits them.
Not more email ping-pong and a lovely, smooth start to working with you.
When you’re ready to uplevel even further, then upgrade to a Customer Relationship Manager tool. My favourite is Dubsado. It has the booking function built in, and then manages your clients all the way through their time spent working with you. Plus you can automate a lot of the work (sending invoices and contracts being one of them) to free up your precious time.
It’s the software of choice for me and one I set up for my clients.
However, when you’re starting out and getting your ducks in a row, then the most important thing is that you have a clear process to follow each time. This has two benefits:
1. Your clients receive a standardised process that’s easy to navigate and understand. They feel taken care of and are more likely to recommend you.
2. You know what you need to do and have a clear procedure for dealing with new enquiries. You save time and effort by having the process mapped out- all you need to do is follow it.
So what is the process?
Let’s look at the best process to follow for a smooth onboarding experience:
You need to send them a proposal, or quote, so that they can make a decision about working with you. The new lead needs to know exactly what you’re offering as a service, what the deliverables will be and how much it’s going to cost them.
Next comes the contract. If you look at the wording in your contract -those payment terms- that new lead is agreeing to become your client and pay you, therefore the contract needs to come before the invoice. A robust contract from Lucy Legal will help you stay protected.
What’s the next step?
Research shows that 73% of buyers point to great customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions. This isn't just for show, this tells me that investing in your client experience can seriously improve your top-line revenue and help you book more clients.
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of being ‘too busy’ to organise your behind the scenes bit, but it is crucial for your success to get on top of this and get it right.
Having the right processes in place, especially your onboarding procedure, sets you up to grow sustainably.
I have an easy solution for you with a special offer through Lucy Legal!
It’s your value-packed document bundle including key client touchpoints, bitesized videos, templates and checklists.
If you’re looking for a done-for-you onboarding process- then this is what you need! Follow my proven process instantly!
Use code LUCYLEGAL for a 10% discount across the entire digital store at Olivier Consultancy.
Want to up level your client management and business operations? Follow me on Instagram to learn more.
Kate x
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