BLOG SERIES: Part 4 - Strong Foundations and Big Action
May 14, 2022
This blog post was first published on 28 May 2020
If you’re thinking of starting out with an business and have no idea where to begin, or perhaps you’ve been in business for a little while but you aren’t seeing the growth and impact you want, then this five part blog series is for you. I’ll be sharing how I went from zero community and zero impact to an engaged community which has a huge positive impact supporting women with online businesses.
How to Grow a Successful Online Business: Part Four Strong Foundations and Big Action
So far in this blog series I’ve walked you through how to get started. Now it’s time to take big action. This blog post is for you if you’ve been in business for six months or more but you’re just not sure how to take it to the next level.
Once you’ve got all of the basics in place it can be hard to know how to grow and scale. It is at this point many people invest in a business coach. An alternative option is to work more strategically with a professional who can help you to really turn up the dial and great huge shifts.
I’ve collated the Fantastic Five of the online business world. Five businesses which will catapult you and your business forward and help you create something that you’re really proud of. I know that starting in business can be a little daunting especially when it comes to investing. Sadly there are many business people who promise big things but there is no substance behind them. Not these ladies. The things that the Fantastic Five will teach you about yourself and your business could actually be life-changing and that’s high praise coming from a lawyer who gets nervous to ever over promise anything.
DISCLAIMER: I have worked with all of the women I have featured in this post. Some of them have been clients of mine, some of them I have invested in for my business (some of them have been both) and one I have worked with as a skill swap.
You don’t need an accountant to be in business but wow does it make life easier. I recommend Lauren at Cope & Associates Having a clear grip on your numbers is key for any business owner. Working with Lauren has transformed the outlook of my business decisions. Even if you already have someone who does your books or accounts, Lauren can still help you. Lauren offers one hour consultancy slots and in that time she helps to solidify your business and also up-level it. Lauren will walk you through the key numbers and show you different options and ways you can work, she will even point out key pieces of information that you can share with your own clients so that you can give them extra support. Lauren will work with you and your business and project your figures forward with you so that you can plan your taxes well in advance and save for them, plan your investments and also structure the most tax efficient way to operate. The only thing Lauren is doing wrong is not charging double the price for her sessions.
Rachel Alyce is a force to be reckoned with and you’ll find her at The Quarter Life Funk. If you’re reading this series and you’re in your late 20s or early 30s then I have a sneaky suspicion you may love what Rachel has to offer. Rachel will help you to work through the reality that you’ve lived your life according to the societal tick-list of career, relationship, house, finances etc, but yet for some reason something still feels like it is missing. Lots of people talk about mindset for business and a lot of it you will have heard over and over again. Rachel’s content is refreshing, she has a complete no nonsense approach but she is also like your best friend. Rachel’s academy, The Aligned and Abundant Academy, will help you uncover blocks which you had in your past and work through those blocks to create a strong fearless future. Rachel will really help you to believe that anything is possible and that is the energy you need as an entrepreneur.
You’ve heard the phrase “less is more” but with Megan it’s actually true. I believe that every entrepreneur should enrol in Megan’s Burnout to Balance Programme. Megan combines mindset work with energy workouts and supports you to release the elements in your life which are not the best use for your energy. Megan’s supportive and considered approach goes much further than simply sharing healthy recipes and workouts, Megan goes deep to support you to remove blocks and help you to move forward to reach your full potential. If you are someone who is guilty of wearing a “busy-badge” you will find Megan’s sessions grounding. Megan provides support to help you step away from the rat-race and constant hustle and creative a life which you want to be living.
Marketing with soul. If you want your business to soar you need to book a consultation with Rebecca from Bloc + Rose. Rebecca offers consultancy in the most authentic marketing system there is, Word of Mouth. If you’re anything like me you’ll want to grow your business in a way which allows you to work with your ideal client every day. What better way of doing that than creating a strategy centred around your reputation? In the online world Rebecca’s business is refreshingly real and honest and cuts through the noise of other marketing campaigns. Rebecca will help you to get people talking about your business with a word of mouth strategy which will also help you to grow and scale.
Let’s face it, at times being in business is tough. If you’re looking for someone in your corner who will support you to grow and call you out on your excuses then Fiona’s straight talking, no BS approach is for you. Fiona’s focus is not so much on your business, although she totally understands the life of an entrepreneur, her primary focus is on how you can develop to be the best version of yourself. With a mixture of coaching and personal development support Fiona offers you the chance to finally become the person you’ve always dreamed of becoming. Fiona will support you to go from a girl with a dream to a CEO with an empire.
I’ve made some bold comments in my reviews above, all of which I would stand behind (and as a lawyer have evidence to support!). Being in business on your own doesn’t mean you have to be alone. All of the Fantastic Five are entrepreneurs themselves and understand the challenges you’ll be facing. I would love you to take the time to check out all of them, sign-up to their mailing lists and get to know them a bit better.
I would love to know if you have heard of any of these businesses before or worked with them, how did you get on? Is there anyone else you would add to the list or any other area of business where you would like support?
Lucy x
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