3 Steps to Quit Your 9 to 5
Jun 07, 2022
This blog post was first published on 28 September 2020
Imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t work your regular full-time job and you could work in your own business with your dream clients?! You could create the life of your dreams on your own schedule.
Sound to good to be true?
What if I told you that it was possible to leave your 9 to 5 job AND to do work you love, work the hours you want and organise your finances in a way which finally means that you get paid your worth.
Still not sure whether this is possible for you? Take a look at this video for more tips on how to take the leap. Or if you prefer to read blogs, then continue reading.
Step One: There will be a turning point
Many people feel this immense amount of pressure that if they were really serious about setting up in business then they would immediately take the leap and that there is no need for a side-hustle. That’s simply not true. Almost every successful entrepreneur I’ve ever met has had a career before and they carefully and strategically grew their business in their ‘spare time’ before taking the leap.
Step Two: Build your exit plan
Taking the leap before you’re ready is a sure way to make life stressful. Take the time to build out your passion project as it gives you the chance to test out your idea and see if there’s a market for it. You may love doing something as a hobby but will you enjoy doing it for 40 hours each week?
If you’re worried about getting started and you’re frightened you might miss something, I’ve created a flow diagram and checklist to help you to ensure that you’ve got all of your ducks in a row before taking the leap.
Step Three: Don’t put any pressure on yourself
Social media is great at showing success but remember that it’s a highlight reel. You may see people and think that they are an overnight success but that’s almost never the case. Someone may get a big break but that’s because they have been working behind the scenes for 20+ years.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to achieve your goals on someone else’s timescales. Do it in your own way, in a way which feels good to you.
I’d love to know what stage you’re at in taking the leap and what’s currently holding you back.
Lucy x
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